Fabric Expansion Joints

Complete program of custom-build singlelayer and multilayer fabric expansion joints, available in various shapes for a wide range of temperatures and sizes acc. to individual specifications.
Rubber Expansion Joints

Reinforced rubber bellows program made of various rubber qualities in order to meet each application operational conditions, available with flanged and threaded couplings in standard and non-standard program.
Metal Expansion Joints

High quality stainless steel expansion joints and bellows program, designed acc. to EJMA and other international standars for circular and rectangular conduits, all sizes, with various types of couplings and material grades.
Flexible Metal Hoses

Standard program for flexible metal hoses, including stainless steel corrugated hoses and flexible metal exhuast hoses, available in any length and with various couplings and material grades.
News & Current Events

R-Line Metal Expansion Joint
New Design Program
Our new program for stainless steel metal expansion joints addresses low pressure systems and application with a design pressure up to PN6. All bellows are availble in single-ply and multi-ply stainless steel (1.4404), configured with welding-ends and/or flanges as coupling elements, also with optional inner sleeve.

HannoverMesse 2020
Hannover, Germany
The Hannover Messe is one of the world's largest trade fairs, on the Hanover Fairground in Germany, with over 6,500 exhibitors and 250,000 visitors per event, so it is undoubtedly the place to be for our business. Our product portfolio will include a variety of fabric expansion joint, metal bellows and a complete rack with corrugated stainless steel hose. Don’t hesitate to visit us!

ROTH Career Oportunity
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Our team is complete for now, but if you believe you have what it takes to be an asset for our busssines, please feel free to send us your resume and a short presentation by email.